29 Apr

IWcee2022 – call for paper deadline extension

Call for paper deadline for the 10th International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics – IWcee22 has been extended to 9th May 2022.  We invite you to submit an extended abstract in pdf format (min. 1000 words, max. 2000 words) of a well-developed paper  with a description of a study that you would like to present at the workshop.

This edition of the workshop will be dedicated to the theme Methods and techniques for environmental and societal sustainability. IWcee22 aims at an international and multidisciplinary audience promoting rigorous examination of relevant socio-economic and policy issues. The workshop’s areas include computational and simulation methods for tackling relevant societal challenges.

The workshop will be held from 30th June to 1st July. After two years in which the workshop was held only in virtual form, this year we return with a partial physical presence, proposing a hybrid form in which it will be possible to follow the workshop via web but it will be possible to physically participate for a predetermined number of people. 

We will be happy to welcome you at the Rome office of CNR-Ircres, the Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth, in Via dei Taurini 19, Rome.

Further information are available on IWcee2022 web page.

21 Apr

Rassegna Stampa seminario “La metodologia per la leadership orizzontale e le organizzazioni integrate”

Erica Rizziato segnala che è disponibile la rassegna stampa del seminario organizzato l’11 aprile scorso dal nostro Istituto sui fondamenti teorici e pratici della metodologia per la leadership orizzontale e le organizzazioni integrate (LOOI). Il seminario, organizzato sia in presenza che online ha visto la partecipazione di più di 100 persone collegate in remoto.

qui la rassegna stampa completa a cura di askanews con video-intervista: https://blog.ircres.cnr.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/13_04_2022-Rassegna-stampa-Video-CNR-.pdf
qui articolo su Start Magazine: https://www.startmag.it/sanita/come-lumanesimo-puo-generare-sviluppo-nella-complessita/
qui la news sul sito del CNR

19 Apr

IWcee2022 – call for papers

IWcee22 – 10th International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics, (30 June-1 July 2022), aims at exploring the intersection of economics, econometrics and computation. It wants to investigate the application of recent computational techniques to all branches of socio-economic modelling. IWcee22 aims at an international and multidisciplinary audience promoting rigorous examination of relevant socio-economic and policy issues. The workshop’s areas include computational and simulation methods for tackling relevant societal challenges. You are invited to submit a long abstract by 1st May 2022.

A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest related to the analysis of the theme “Methods and techniques for environmental and societal sustainability” includes:
Applied micro and macro econometrics
Machine Learning
Network science
Spatial economics and econometrics
Time series analysis and forecasting techniques
Causal inference
Economic dynamics
Agent-based modelling
Artificial intelligence
Robustness and sensitivity analysis
Bayesian statistics
Operational research methods
Control and game theory
General equilibrium models
Optimization methods
Software development

more information here: https://sites.google.com/view/iwcee21/home

15 Apr

Reminder – IRCrES Seminars

Il Prof. Guido Buenstorf (University of Kassel, International Center for Higher Education Research – INCHER) terrà il 19 aprile 2022 dalle 11.00 alle 13.00 un webinar dal titolo “Doctoral training outside the university: public research institutes, industry and human capital formation in the German system of research and innovation

Le iscrizioni si chiudono alle 12:00 del 18 aprile 2022.
Per maggiori info e per iscriversi al seminario: https://sites.google.com/view/ircres-online-seminars/home

11 Apr

Bando per assegno di ricerca

Avviso di selezione n° IRCRES-04-2022-TO
Pubblica selezione per il conferimento di n° 1 assegno per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca nell’ambito del Progetto “Circular Health for Industry (CH4I)” per la seguente tematica: “Competenze di valutazione di impatto di politiche e tecnologie innovative, con metodologie quantitative e/o di ricerca sociale di tipo non standard
