Quaderni IRCrES “CNR case histories in the Blue Planet Economy”
The volume “CNR case histories in the Blue Planet Economy” gathers the eighteen interventions of the researchers of the National Research Council of Italy presented at the Blue Planet Economy European Maritime Forum 2021. These include conference papers and extended writings deriving from the transcription of the videos produced specifically for a session dedicated to the Mediterranean.
These contributions touch on seemingly distant themes, such as economy, archaeology, ecological transition, tourism, culture…, organized into four sections: Economics and Green Economy, Strategies and Policies, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, and Borders and Societies. They show that the complexity of the current situation stems from history, different cultures, societies and religions that have shaped the countries bordering the Mediterranean basin.

Contents: https://www.ircres.cnr.it/index.php/it/produzione-scientifica/pubblicazioni?id=467
Vitali, G., Zoppi I.M. (eds). CNR case histories in the Blue Planet Economy. Quaderni IRCrES 16. Moncalieri, TO: CNR-IRCrES. http://dx.doi.org/10.23760/2499-6661.2022.16