AISRe Conference – call for papers
Francesca S. Rota segnala che in occasione della prossima conferenza scientifica dell’AISRe-Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali (Milano 5-7 settembre 2022), co-organizza, insieme a Fiorenzo Ferlaino (Ires Piemonte) la sessione so.06 sul tema del periurbano. Termine per l’invio delle proposte di abstract è il 27 Febbraio.
Qui descrizione della sessione:
SO.06. (KEEPING ON) EXPLORING PERIURBAN TRANSITIONS Co-organised by Francesca Silvia Rota (CNR IRCrES) and Fiorenzo Ferlaino (IRES)
Consistent with Rauws & de Roo (2011), the session aims to better understand the transformative processes of the periurban area, with its assemblages of urban and rural land uses. Rauws & de Roo assumed the concept of transition to analysing the several interacting dynamics – some induced, some evolving autonomously – that occur in the periurban context. This approach is also appropriate today, as climate change and multiple crises push for novel patterns of sustainable urban development and a different relationship between cities and their hinterland, affected by a rapid land-use transition. This special session aims to investigate the current opportunities of the periurban as a theoretical and practical framework for urban and regional studies. Today, regional governments often fail to develop effective periurban area policies (Mortoja & Yigitcanlar, 2021), affecting the region’s capacity to achieve sustainable development goals.
The session aims at providing policymakers and practitioners with contributions on the following issues:
• Urbanisation and land-use change
• Socioeconomic trends and divides
• Localisation of activities, services and infrastructures
• Public policies (plans) and grass-root initiatives
• Multilevel planning and territorial governance
• Theories of the urban-rural such as operational landscapes and the hinterland question
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