07 Feb

ABRESO Workshop

Lisa Sella segnala che oggi 07/02 h. 13-15 (ora italiana) si terrà il secondo workshop del progetto ABRESO, a cui IRCrES partecipa. Il workshop è aperto a tutti i ricercatori interessati e si concentrerà sulla discussione delle domande di ricerca del progetto:
1) DRIVERS: What are the social and natural drivers of land use change?
2) UNDERLYING MECHANISMS: What underlying mechanisms explain the spatial and temporary patterns in environmental quality of soil and water that are altered by different land management patterns?
3) STAKEHOLDER PERCEPTIONS AND PREFERENCES: Does understanding sources and consequences of stakeholder perception of drivers and impacts of land use change facilitate sustainable land management preferences?
4) SCENARIOS: What are the possible future pathways of critical zone structure and functions and their impacts on humans and nature under different scenarios of landscape/watershed management?

Pagina IRCrES del progetto
Qui il link per seguire il worshop su zoom: https://psu.zoom.us/j/92167715527?pwd=bEtzWWppeTdqbGtZelhyU2RNak9UQT09