28 Sep

Articolo Open Access su “Land”

Luca Tricarico, Edoardo Lorenzetti e Lucio Morettini  segnalano l’uscita dell’articolo “Crowdsourcing Intangible Heritage for Territorial Development: A Conceptual Framework Considering Italian Inner Areas” sulla rivista Land (MDPI)

In this article, we delve into innovative strategies for revitalizing Italian inner areas by leveraging crowdsourcing technologies to preserve intangible heritage. It offers a comprehensive guide for those interested in:
1. Gaining insights on the concepts of intangible heritage and crowdsourcing.
2. Exploring the socio-territorial aspects to take into account when exploring the role of technology in cultural heritage preservation/valorisation.
3. Socially Innovative Approaches: Discover innovative strategies tailored for marginalized regions, engaging local communities into systematic strategic innovation actions

Articolo disponibile OA qui: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-445X/12/10/1843
Tutti gli articoli OA della special issue “Dynamics of Cultural and Social Innovation in Urban Development” della rivista Land sono disponibili qui: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/land/special_issues/3J14X6Q460