14 Apr

Partecipazione a “AIS-EDU International Mid-term Conference”

Maddalena Bartolini (assegnista CNR-IRCrES) segnala che oggi 14 aprile sarà chair, (con Francesca Lagomarsino dell’Università di Genova), del panel “Challenges for a plural school between structural inequalities and new inclusive practices. How do schools and education translate Goals 10 and 11 of the UN 2030 agenda?” alla International Mid – term Conference di Ais Research Network Sociology of Education in corso a Palermo.

Link alla conferenza qui: https://sites.google.com/community.unipa.it/aisedu-conference/home
Qui il programma: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1atEAmUv4FgxwT41390cbtlP30XY_3_Dz/view